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Submit your employment application here. Explorado Market is a gluten free café in Old Town Square. We’re open from 8a til 3p daily. Positions we routinely hire for include: Barista, Baker (during open hours), Baker (after hours).

We typically don’t hire anyone to just do one thing. If you’re a Barista, you’ll probably help in the kitchen, run expo, and clean up of the café. If you’re a Baker, you’ll probably make drinks, run expo, and help clean.

All shifts during open hours share tips. All after hours shifts do not share tips. If you don’t see yourself as fun, outgoing, and happy… don’t apply. 🙂

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Personal Information

Date of Birth

Employment and Skills

Employment Start Date
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Availability and Work Preferences

Please be specific about availability.


Consent and Agreement

Are you legally authorized to work in the country?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Date of Application